Tag: Isolation

Community Immunity

Immunity is defined as “resistance to or protection against a specified disease; power to resist infection”. When the body is exposed to a disease or toxin that it has never seen before, the immune system kicks in and produces antibodies to help combat the illness and protect the system from future infections of the same disease. It’s an amazing thing, yes, but that isn’t the focus of my message this week. Besides the invasion of the COVID-19 virus, we are also being challenged by another toxin – isolation. It’s ironic that one of the main solutions to curbing the spread of the virus is to isolate, yet it’s the side effects of isolation are taking their toll on our communities. So how can we build some strong “Community Immunity” to combat the spread of isolation? Here are some of my thoughts:

  1. Even if your body has to stay home right now, your imagination doesn’t! As a travel professional, I am doing my best to provide my community of past, present and future clients with the inspiration necessary to continue dreaming about future journeys. Have you always dreamed of visiting the Galapagos Islands? Do some research, watch some videos, read some travel books about the destination. Not sure where you want to go? Talk with your immediate family about their travel bucket-lists. You might be surprised to learn that your teenage son has always dreamed of surfing the waves off of Waikiki Beach! When all this is over, we can start planning and making those dreams a reality.
  2. Be generous with your actions in your own neighborhood community. Regularly check-in on neighbors who live alone. If you are venturing out to the grocery store, pharmacy or bank, ask if anyone needs anything. Bake 2 lasagnas or loaves of bread instead of one and share. Don’t purchase and hoard supplies that you really don’t need. Be kind and generous to your neighborhood’s “essential” workers who are risking their own well being to provide the services you are using. If your kids are homeschooling, brainstorm ways they can contribute to the community. After all, it is the most important lesson they may learn from this.
  3. Stay in touch with your family via video chat or Zoom-type calls. These days, the average family is spread out all across the country. Coordinate a regular video call with far-reaching family members to catch up and see how everyone is doing. Take turns sharing funny stories and reminiscing about past events. Plan for future visits or multi-generational vacations you would love to take. Family is the most important community that we all have, yet it is one of the easiest to take for granted. Don’t let that happen! Create new memories now that you will talk about in the years to come.

So, you’ve seen my thoughts of building “Community Immunity” and now it’s time to think about yours. How will you help combat isolation in your community? I hope that this has given you a head start on developing your own antibodies to the toxins that social distancing has thrust upon us. Feel free to message me about how you are keeping the dream alive in your own home and your community. I’d love to hear from you!

Soon we will all be back to normal, and I’m hoping that it will be an even better normal than it was before—a normal where we have more appreciation for each other and our incredible freedoms to see the world. Once that time comes, don’t forget that I am available to help you make your travel dreams come true.

Until next time,

Beth's Travel and Vacations

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